How do idle fees work?

When your charging session stops, you are given a grace period to unplug and move your vehicle. If you do not unplug and move your vehicle within the grace period, idle fees may begin to accrue.

When your charging session stops, you are given a grace period to unplug and move your vehicle. This grace period is intended to give you time to move your vehicle and avoid incurring any additional fees. However, if you do not unplug and move your vehicle within the grace period, idle fees may begin to accrue.

Idle fees are charged per minute of idling, and the fee per minute and length of the grace period may vary depending on the specific charging station. This information can be found in the details of the charging station notes on the app. The total amount of the idle fee you may have incurred, including the total idle minutes as well as the idle fee rate, will be indicated on your charging receipt.